Astm D 3981 – 03 pdf free download

Standard Specification for
Polyethylene Films Made from Medium-Density Polyethylene
for General Use and Packaging Applications1

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3981; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of the last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope*

1.1 This specification covers unpigmented, unsupported,
sheet or tubular, medium-density polyethylene films (here-after
referred to as film or films) from resins having densities in the
range from 926.0 to 938.0 kg/m3 (0.926 to 0.938 g/cm3
inclusive, as measured on molded plaques.

1.2 This specification is applicable to homopolymer polyethylene but is not restricted to it.

1.3 This specification is also applicable to films made from
copolymer polyethylene commonly referred to in the industry as
low-pressure polyethylene.

1.4 This specification is also applicable to films made from
blends of homopolymers and copolymers, including ethylene/
vinyl-acetate copolymers.

1.5 This specification allows for the use of recycled polyethylene film or resin as feedstock, in whole or in part, as long
as all the requirements of this specification are met and as long
as any specific requirements as governed by the producer and
the end users are also met (see Note 1).
NOTE 1—Guide D 5033 contains terminology and definitions relating
to recycled plastics.

1.6 Special care must be exercised if this specification is
applied to colored or pigmented films. This specification does
not address specific problems associated with colorings, such as
quantity and quality of pigment dispersion, optical properties,
and increase in density. These and other areas must be taken
into account by mutual agreement between the supplier and the

1.7 The thickness of the films covered by this specification
range from 25 to 100 µm [0.001 to 0.004 in.], inclusive. The
maximum width of the sheet or lay-flat is 3.05 m [120 in.].

1.8 This specification does not cover oriented heat shrinkable films.

1.9 This specification defines the levels of various physical
properties from which specifications for specific films are to be
described. The levels of physical properties required by a film.

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